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You are my wing  

2008-01-28 22:35:59|  分类: English Mood & S |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |
The light from your eyes                                         我在你的目光里寻找了好久
I am searching for a long time                                 在通向你理想的道路上
no matter what whom is your love                           我会是你永远的支持者
I will be the forever surpporter                                 无论谁是你的爱
In the way to your ideal

I don't know if I can live                                            没有你我不知道是不是能活着
Just like a bird who lost its wing                               就像一只断翅的鸟儿
Couldn't fly to the sky it is loving best                      不能飞向它一直钟爱着的天空
You are my wing                                                      你是我的翅膀
I couldn't live without your haven                             没有你的呵护我将无法生存

I have never thought you would disapear                我从没有想过你会消失
Even I don't know where should I go to meet you    甚至当你消失的时候我都不知道该到哪里去找你
if god give me a chance even if a little                     如果苍天再给我一次机会哪怕一点点
I am also willing to replace of you with all my left life我也愿意用我的整个生命来替代
Only you are living, just watching me with smile       只要你活着,微笑着注视着我

You are my wing                                                      你是我的翅膀
What am I for you?                                                  我是你的什么呢?
I believe I am also important more than anything in your life我相信在你的生命里我同样重于一切
if give you one chance to live                                   如果再给你一次生的机会
Also you will decide to do just like what I think         你也会像我想的那样去做:视我为你生命的一切
Because you are my wing, I am yours too               因为你是我的翅膀,我也是你的翅膀。
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